Perfomance Indicators
* Reconoce y utiliza de forma oral y escrita los adjetivos y adverbios.
*Utiliza las voces activas y pasivas en el tiempo presente.
*Usa e identifica de manera correcta los diferentes tiempos gramaticales.
*Hace uso de las preposiciones para referir a expresiones de tiempo.
*Identifica aspectos del texto tales como personajes, lugares, secuencias y propone textos que den cuneta de eventos sucedidos.
-Adjectives and adverbs.
- Adverbs of manner.
-Active and passive voice (present).
-Prepositions with time expressions.
This tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now, is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important.
let´s practice!!! Go to the following link and choose your team!!
Here you will find the Simple past tense Workshop.
An adjective tells more about a noun.
For example:
The elephant.....
The big elephant.
The house....
The small house.
The car.....
The fast car.
An adverb tells more about a verb.
This adverb tells us how the elephant walked.
For example:
The elephant walked slowly.
most adverbs end with --ly
Some are the same...
Adjective Adverb
fast fast
Some are different...
good well
Go to the following websites to practice adjectives vs adverbs!!