welcome to the first term

Separador Grado sexto // P.E Sixth Grade Separator
Natación // Swim
Separador de sexto- Primer periodo 2017-
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Dolphin kick

butterfly stroke

how to swim butterfly

The butterfly technique with the dolphin kick consists of synchronous arm movement with a synchronous leg kick. Good technique is crucial to swim this style effectively. The wave-like body movement is also very significant in creating propulsion, as this is the key to easy synchronous over-water recovery and breathing. In the initial position, the swimmer lies on the breast, the arms are stretched to the front, and the legs are extended to the back.


Butterfly kicking

  • The leg action comes from the hips. The heels and soles of your feet should break the surface from underneath with your knees slightly bent on the upbeat.


  • Powerful downbeats of the feet then propel the body forward. Try to keep your legs close together with your ankles relaxed.


  • Your downbeat kick should occur as the arms enter and sweep out.


  • Try to kick twice per arm cycle – once to propel your arms out of the water for recovery and once as the arms enter the water.

Butterfly in the water

  • Your body should be led by the crown of your head with your shoulders and hips horizontal.


  • Try to keep your body as close as possible to the surface of the water.

Butterfly arm action

  • The arm action can be split into three propulsive, simultaneous sweeps.


  • The arms should stretch out in front of the body above the water surface and be led into the water by the thumb. The hands should enter about shoulder width apart with elbows bent and slightly higher than the hands.


  • Your hands then sweep down and out to form a Y shape in front of the body. Turn and sweep your hands back in towards each other, keeping your elbows high.


  • Finally, turn your hands up and back and sweep parallel to the side of your body.


  • Recovery of the arms is aggressive as you stretch them back out in front of you to re-enter. Keep your arms out of the water but try to avoid lowering your hips – the aim is to keep as streamlined as close to the water as possible.

Butterfly breathing

  • The most common butterfly breathing is to the front.


  • Like in breaststroke, your shoulders should lead your head out of the water. Your front should rise naturally with the undulation of your body.


  • Keep your chin in front of your forehead and inhale quickly in through your mouth.


  • After inhalation, quickly lower your head before exhaling quickly under the water through your mouth and nose. Your head should re-enter the water before your arms.


  • Exhalation usually occurs during the final upsweep and inhalation as the arms start to recover.

taller final

do the workshop, each one has two opportunities, You should not make more than two attempts. clicing on the picture.

Flip Turn (Backstroke – Crawl )
