A wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an fixed axle. It is one of the most important inventionf of history because it helped us become a better-developed society.
Now, answer the following questions on your Technology notebook:
1. How was the wheel invented?
2. How were the first wheels? Heavy or light?
3. What things the wheel allowed the man do after he invented it?
4. Imagine we don't have wheels today. How do you think our daily life would be?
Watch this video to keep practicing more about the use of PowerPoint, the tools we have seen in class and a few tricks you might find useful when making your own presentations.
The more you practice, the better you will become at doing presentations!
In order to evaluate both, PowerPoint and The Wheel, which are the main topics from the Second Term, we are going to be presenting expositons.
The exposition must be presented with a PowerPoint presentation with, at least, 4 slides and each slide must have transitions and animations.
The students will be evaluated following this criteria, each one of these will have a grade that will be added to obtain the group grade:
Each group has only 10 minutes to present their exposition to the class.
The topics are distributed by groups. In each group of Third Grade there are going to be six exposition groups that are numbered. Each group is going to have the topic according to its number, like this.
Group 1: Topic 1 - The World Before the Wheel.
Group 2: Topic 2 - The Invention of the Wheel.
Group 3: Topic 3 - The World After the Wheel.
Group 4: Topic 4 - The Wheel in Our Days.
Group 5: Topic 5 - The Advantages of the Wheel.
Group 6: Topic 6 - The Wheel in the Industries.
The students will present their expositions to the rest of the class. Each criteria is going to be graded to obtain a group grade, which is going to be a general grade for each member of the group. However, each student will have a personal grade, which is going to be given according to how they perform on the presentation and how effective their use of English is (using simple sentences).
The final grade of each student will be obtained averaging the group grade and the personal grade.
The students will have from January 29th to February 16th to prepare the presentations in class. They will have to bring the information to work and prepare the presentations.
The presentstion of this exposition is set to be done on the week from February 19th to 23rd.
If you have any other doubt, contact the teacher via agenda or e-mail: jose.bedoya@claret.edu.co