• Utiliza apropiadamente las funciones básicas del entorno de trabajo de Scratch para realizar
programaciones sencillas
• Reconoce los medios de trasporte que han sido utilizados en Colombia
• Contrasta las características que poseen los diferentes tipos de industria.
• Demuestra interés, voluntad, autodisciplina y constancia en el mejoramiento de su desempeño escolar, evidenciándolo en la alta calidad de sus producciones escolares.
• Reconoce la importancia del trabajo en equipo para la construcción y desarrollo del proyecto de aula, a través de las actividades planteadas para la ejecución del mismo.
Hello everyone, this is the first activity in order to make a review about everything you already know about scratch and its tools.
Go to scratch and make:
click in the images to download the programs. Remember first to all, download ADOBE AIR and install in the computer (if you already have it in your computer no problem). Then download Scratch 2.0 and enjoy the program.
Primary industries: Extract raw materials (which are natural products) from the land or sea.
Secondary industries: Involve the manufacture of raw materials, into another product by manual labor or machines.
Tertiary industries: They don´t produce a raw material or make a product, instead they provide services to other people and industries.
Quaternary industries: Involve the use of high tech industries; people who work for these companies are often highly qualified within their field of work.
Make groups of three people and prepare a presentation about one of the _____________ industry.
My group:
IMPORTANT: The presentations will begin in the weeks between January 29 and February 9. The Students will prepare the presentation during the class of the week between January 22 to 26 in order to clarify questions.
Keep in mind the following questions:
NOTA: Las presentaciones se realiza sobre una industria que pertenezca a la categoría asignada a cada grupo, por ejemplo, si al grupo le corresponde " Tertiary Industry " la Exposición puede ser realizada sobre la industria hotelera, sobre industria de trasnporte, los bancos, los supermecados, entre otros.
Los grupos fueron conformados y los temas asignados durante la clase.
Cualquier inquietud referente al tema, no dude en comunicarse con el docente correspondiente del área:
The following aspects will be taken into account at the time of qualifying the presentation.
For the creation of the placard you will need all the tools that you can bring to school, but is very important to bring too the information of the topic to explain and in that way write the information in the placard.
Now, you can see the information of the work groups in the diferent fourth grade groups.