welcome third grade

social studies



- Cumple puntualmente con las actividades escolares  propuestas por el docente, demostrando  un alto desempeño en las mismas.



- Evidencia  sentido de pertenencia con la institución; lo demuestra en el cuidado de la planta física, los recursos tecnológicos y naturales.



- Reconoce diferentes elementos de orientación como la brújula, los mapas, el sol y puntos cardinales. (En inglés)


- Reconoce y describe las características físicas de las principales formas del paisaje.(En inglès)


- Intercardinal directions

- Maps, gps and compass 

- Continents and oceans 

- Valle del Cauca Landscape

cardinals and intercardinals directions

Cardinal directions are the four main points of a compass: north, south, east, and west which are also known by the first letters: N,S,E, and W.  These four directions are also known as cardinal points.  A cardinal direction can also be referred to by first using the word “due”.  For example, the cardinal direction of north can also be referred to as due north.


Ordinal directions refer to the direction found at the point equally between each cardinal direction.  Ordinal directions are: northeast (NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW).  Ordinal directions are also known as intercardinal directions.


Taken from: https://www.geolounge.com/cardinal-directions-ordinal-directions/


Intercardinal directions video.

Continents and oceans

The 7 continents of the world video




Visit the following link and get more information about the continents:



Valle del Cauca

Valle del Cauca Symbols.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.9 MB
  • Homework: Choose a municipality of Valle del Cauca; for the next class brings information and images.